General Access Troubleshooting FAQ

Steps to take when your users are missing access to various resources across your Delta testing portal

This article applies to Pro, Team, and Legacy editions.

Centercode administrators provide access to resources (Surveys, Feedback, Notices, etc.) through the combination of Teams and User Roles

  • Teams allow you to group together and organize Users within your Community and Project
  • User Roles specifically designate the access and responsibilities to each respective Team

In this guide, you’ll find answers to many of our most frequently encountered questions and issues regarding user access. If your users are lacking access to your Project, Feedback (e.g Bug Reports), agreements, or even a blank page in your project, please use the following as your access troubleshooting guide. Click the Read More link for in-depth details and troubleshooting steps.

Table of Contents:

Why can't users see or access Projects?

When users are lacking the Access Project role designated to their Team, they may either receive an error message when attempting to access the project or not see the project on their homepage. You’ll need to first identify the affected user’s Team, check your Project’s Roles tool (Management > Users > Roles) and ensure that your Teams have appropriate access. (Read More)

Why can't users see Surveys, Content, User Profiles, etc?

When users are unable to access your Community or Project resources, those resources are typically missing the appropriate Team Access within the resource’s basic settings. A less typical scenario is that the resource has expired due to expiration date settings, also in the basic settings. (Read More)

Why can't users submit or triage feedback?

When it comes to Feedback, there are potentially 3 platform areas to check for appropriate configuration:

  1. Workflow
  2. Element Level Access
  3. Feedback Roles

Feedback Roles grant the access to Submit and/or View Feedback, while Workflow controls the feedback’s lifecycle, owner, and how it’s addressed. Element Level Access is an optional setting on the Basic Feedback Properties page that controls how certain teams may view and modify your Feedback or Survey form elements. (Read More)

Why am I missing the submit button for Feedback Types?

If a Team does not have access to any Statuses, the Submit button won't display for the feedback type on the project homepage or in the menu. Your Team(s) must have access to submit at least the "New" Status in your Feedback Type's Workflow and at least 1 "Access" role in the Feedback Type's Role tool.

From the Project Homepage:

  1. Click Management>Project Configuration>Feedback Types in the navigation bar at the top
  2. Hover over your Feedback Type
  3. Click Modify pencil
  4. Click Workflow
  5. Identify any Teams missing New status and grant access
  6. Click Submit
  7. Click Feedback Roles
  8. Ensure an "Access" role is enabled for your teams

Why are SOME testers unable to view Feedback?

A common scenario is that a tester reports that they're unable to view feedback, but you find that others testers on the same tester team aren't having this issue. This typically indicates that the tester's Simple View Filter dropdown is set to an improper or unwanted selection. For example, it may be set to "Show My Feedback" when the user hasn't submitted any feedback, resulting in an empty list. 

The solution to this challenge rests with tester education - instruct the tester to change their filter to another selection - e.g. Show Public Feedback or Show Team Submitted Feedback - to see feedback views you've allowed other testers for collaboration. (Read More)

Why are testers reporting a "The page you are attempting to access is unavailable" error?

If your users report that they're seeing the "access is unavailable" message, this indicates that they are attempting to access a link provided to them that their account doesn't have the appropriate access rights to, or simply had their Team access changed during their current session. Verify their access to the resource giving the error (you may need to ask the tester to provide the link) and ensure their Teams and User Roles are set correctly. (Read More)

Why can't users Subscribe to or Auto-Follow All feedback?

If your users are missing the Subscription / Auto-Follow button, a common cause is that the user's team is missing Following access in the Homepage tool. A less common cause is that the team is lacking (1) access to all feedback or (2) access to public feedback. (Read More)

Why can’t Users access their Feedback Following list?

Be sure to allow users access to the Following tab in your Homepage tool, or users may be missing the subscription icon. (Read More)

Identify the user’s team that is unable to access the Following tab

  1. Click Project Tools
  2. Click the Homepage tool
  3. Under Tab Access, check on the Following access for the affected team
  4. Click Submit

Do administrative Teams come with default access?

When you create new resources like Custom Surveys, you will notice that administrative teams  do not start with access to all administrative permissions. For example, Results and Moderate roles on Custom Surveys are disabled for all teams by default.

By not copying permissions or automatically adding access in this way, we ensure that access to administrative functions (like ones that provide access to user data) is intentional. Further, this enables you to create your ideal PM-Lite and Support teams with exactly the access they need.