Feedback FAQ

Our most frequently encountered questions and issues regarding Feedback

This article applies to Pro, Team, and Legacy editions.

Feedback submitted into Centercode leverage Feedback Types. By default, you’re provided with Issues, Ideas, Praise, and Discussions. They are fully customizable to help you reach your feedback goals.

In this guide, you’ll find answers to many of our most frequently encountered questions and issues. Click the link for in-depth details and troubleshooting steps or scroll below to locate it.

Fundamental Knowledge

Access Control is a core concept to understand in order to administrate your Centercode platform. Access to resources within Centercode, whether Surveys or software downloads, Feedback or Notices, is controlled by the combination of Teams and Roles (in this case, Feedback Roles). Teams allow you to organize users into groups. Feedback Roles allows you to control the access each team will have when submitting or handling feedback.

Together, Teams and Feedback Roles set access on a broad level, affecting multiple users. In order to provide the right level of access, you may need to adjust user Teams multiple times throughout a Project. Given this fact, there are many different ways to adjust and control a user's Team assignment, from when users are onboarded, to on-the-fly corrections. This article will cover the various methods of initiating and adjusting a user account's team assignment. (Read more)



What is Workflow?

Workflow dictates how each team can modify and submit feedback. Statuses are used to identify the lifecycle state your feedback is in. Ownership Destination refers to the team responsible for that feedback based on its Status and the team that moved it to that stage in its lifecycle. (Read more)

What’s the recommended Workflow?

A typical configuration can be found here. This shows your primary Participants team able to only submit New feedback with Beta Support (Internal Members) being responsible for that New feedback. Beta Support can then change the status of feedback they own to all available to them (In Progress, Closed, etc.). (Read more)

What do I do when users can’t submit feedback?

When it comes to Feedback, there are potentially 3 platform areas to check for appropriate configuration and it's often a combination of the following:

  1. Feedback Roles
  2. Workflow
  3. Element Level Access

Feedback Roles grant access to Submit Feedback, while Workflow controls the feedback’s lifecycle and how it’s addressed. Element Level Access is an optional setting that controls how certain teams may view and modify your Feedback or Survey form. (Read more)

How do I edit feedback?

You'll need to ensure that your account is on the "Ownership Team" for triage purposes. You can see that team when viewing feedback and looking at the right-hand side of the screen, underneath the submitter's information. (Read more)

Why are teams missing in Workflow?

Teams display in Workflow only if they have access to the Submit Feedback Role. Since Workflow controls what happens when a Team submits feedback in certain Statuses, those teams must have access to Submit changes. Within Workflow you'll configure the Statuses your Teams have access to use. Statuses then execute Team Ownership and any Notification emails. (Read more)

How do teams get email notifications for new feedback submitted?

There are 2 options to consider: 

  1. Workflow Notifications are emails send out your custom email template to specifically designated teams depending on certain statuses. (Read More)
  2. Feedback Subscription allows users to ”follow” feedback. They’ll receive email notifications for newly submitted feedback and comments. (Read More)

How do I edit feedback? How do I change Statuses?

In order to make changes to a feedback ticket, you'll need to be on the team that owns the ticket. You can see that Ownership Team when viewing feedback and looking in the right-hand menu (also shown below), underneath the Feedback Score and Submitter Information sections. You'll need to be a member of that team or triage using an account that is. (Read more)

Note: Some feedback types may be configured to require the feedback to be "checked out" by team members before editing (info on that setting is available here). If this option is enabled you can click Check Out in the feedback title bar across the top of the screen, or click the "Check In/Check Out" hyperlink located at the bottom of the current owner panel to access edit mode.

Why can't I select a certain Status?

In addition to "owning" the ticket, the ownership team must also have access to the specific status you would like to use in the Feedback Workflow. If you are attempting to update the status of a ticket and some seem to be missing, ensure that the ownership team has access to that status!

I’m not on the Ownership Team. What do I do?

This typically only impacts Project Managers because they're usually on only the Project Manager team. Feedback triage is typically assigned to another team such as Test Support. For Project Managers to have the ability to edit feedback, they need to be members of whatever team you find as the Ownership Team for your feedback (as determined by Workflow).

If you find that you need to modify/triage feedback but are not on the Ownership team, you can update your Team Access through your User Summary (read more here), or adjust your Feedback Workflow.

How do I Unduplicate feedback?

Unduplicating feedback starts at the "parent" ticket. You’ll simply need to take ownership of the “parent” feedback, access the "child" ticket (via the Occurrences tab). 

What if a user is missing the Submit button?

If a Team does not have access to any Statuses, the "Submit" button in the left-hand menu won’t display for them (shown below). Your Team(s) must have access to submit at least the "New" Status in your Feedback Type's Workflow and at least 1 "Access" role in the Feedback Type's Role tool.  (Read more)

Can a tester edit or add to feedback once submitted?

Upon feedback submission, ownership of feedback goes to your team to have modify rights. Typically, if a tester wants to adjust their feedback, they will submit a comment regarding it. The Ownership team can modify feedback on the submitter’s behalf.

What if only SOME testers report they're unable to view feedback?

Step one would be to verify they have the proper Team and Roles assignments. Still, a common scenario is that a tester reports they're unable to view the feedback in your Project, but you find that access is correct, and other testers on the same teams aren't having this issue. This typically indicates that the tester's Simple View Filter dropdown is set to an improper or unwanted selection. For example, it may be set to "Show My Feedback" when the user hasn't submitted any feedback, resulting in an empty list. 

The solution to this challenge rests with tester education - instruct the tester to change their filter to another selection - e.g. Show Public Feedback or Show Team Submitted Feedback - to see feedback views you've allowed other testers for collaboration. (Read More)

How do I change feedback statuses in bulk?

This can be done through the Mass Feedback Modify function. It’s effectively an on-the-fly Feedback Macro, but can be quick and convenient for changing the Status or other custom fields on a Filter or resulting List of Feedback. A common use-case would be to close multiple pieces of feedback at once, rather than individually. (Read more)

What are Feedback Roles and what do they do?

Feedback Roles are a static set of named Access Roles, available per Feedback Type, that allow Project Managers to provide granular control over accessing Feedback within their Projects. These Roles only pertain to Feedback, usually including Issues, Ideas, Suggestions, Discussions, or custom Feedback Types you create. (Read More)

How does Predictive Match work? 

Predictive Match presents testers with feedback that matches keywords in the potential submitter’s title and description. When the potential submitter enters their title and a match is displayed, they can select “This matches,” “Not a match,” or “Create New Feedback.” When selecting “This Matches”, the “parent” (existing) feedback’s Feedback Score is increased (Read more)

Should my Feedback Type be Private?

The goal of this section is to alleviate concerns regarding personal data that may cause admins to disable their feedback being Public. Whether or not feedback should be Public depends on the needs of your test. Centercode offers the Personal Data Fields toggle to identify any fields that are intended to collect personal data and should be treated specially under privacy regulations. Fields marked as Personal Data are only viewable to project administrators and the original feedback submitter. This helps in your feedback remain Public without sharing personal data with other testers.