Your Privacy Policy and why it's important

Protect your Customer Validation Program and provide peace of mind

This article applies to All editions.

A Privacy Policy is a statement or legal document that explains the ways a party may gather, use, disclose, and manage a customer or client's data. For your CV Program, a Privacy Policy (implemented following these steps) fulfills a legal requirement to protect the privacy of your customer or client. Data privacy laws usually require that anyone collecting personally identifiable information (PII) via their website have a statement on how and why they do so. With the necessity of proper Community User Profiling, CV Programs are often liable to privacy concerns. Not only is implementing a Privacy Policy a requirement to protect your business, but by being transparent and sharing honest information about what data you collect from your users and how you use it, you’ll solidify trust between you and your testers.

Should I have a Privacy Policy on my Centercode Implementation?

Due to collecting PII as part of creating an account and your regular user profiling, implementing a Privacy Policy for your Centercode Platform is actually a legal requirement for nearly all Customer Validation Programs. In addition to the essentials, it’s common to collect data such as a user’s home or business address for shipping or their phone number for easy contact. These examples are all considered personally identifiable information and therefore an approved Privacy Policy should be instated.

Next steps

Now that you’re familiar with the important role that a Privacy Policy fills, and why it’s important for your organization to take seriously, the next step is to approach your legal team to make one available. While it’s technically possible to create one on your own, your legal team should know how to properly address each topic to fully protect your company. Best to leave it to the experts. 

For an example of a legally approved Privacy Policy (in Centercode’s own context), take a look at the Privacy Policy utilized by Betabound, our Customer Validation Community. Note that you won't want to copy it directly - it will certainly need to be modified to fit your company and your Customer Validation needs.

Finally, Centercode offers dedicated functionality to make Public Copy like Privacy Policies, Terms of Use, etc. available. Once you have your Privacy Policy ready, check out this article to implement it into your Centercode site.