Macros FAQ

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Centercode's automation tools & their capabilities


This article applies to Team and Legacy editions.

What is a Macro?

A Macro in Centercode is a singular object which performs a sequence of predetermined outputs or actions. Macros can be used to automate repetitive tasks and save time by performing those tasks at a click, on a schedule, or on certain events. For example, you can create a macro that adds users to a Participant team, removes them from all Applicants teams, and emails an acceptance letter all in one command. Note that Macros don't run by themselves. They need something to tell them when to run, like a schedule, trigger, Notice, or other event.

What types of Macros exist in Centercode?

Centercode gives you the ability to create and execute macros based on the target of their action - User Macros and Feedback Macros. Based on the target, these macros provide you the tools to enable automation relevant to those records (ex: score or email users; change Status or add a comment to feedback).

What can Macros automate for me?

User Macro's give you the ability to impact individual users in your Community or Project in a variety of ways. Some common User Macro's use cases are emailing users, adding a user rank or comment, adjusting user teams, or even removing users. (Read More about What User Macro's can Automate)

What can Feedback Macros automate for me?

Feedback Macros give you the ability to impact individual Feedback tickets and/or the user account that submitted that ticket. Some common Feedback Macros use cases are scoring users for submitting feedback, modifying the public/private status of a ticket, or adjusting the workflow (Status) of a ticket. 

What are Notice Macros?

A Notice Macro is a User Macro. It's part of the Notice Chain and will perform its actions when users are accessing your Community (in the case of Community Notices) or Project (in the case of Project Notices). (Read More about Notice Macros)

How do I create a Notice Macro?

You can create a Notice Macro by accessing your Community or Project Tools, then Notices. Note that creating a Notice Macro is the same as creating a User Macro, and injecting it into the Notice Chain - it will be triggered upon login, and run conditionally based on any aspect of the User's record (ex: Survey responses, email domain, etc.) (Read More about creating a Notice Macro)

How do I create Macros?

User Macros can be created or modified at their respective Community and Project levels by accessing User Management, then User Resources.

How do I create a Feedback Macro?

Feedback Macros allow you to set parameters for the Macro take action on Feedback tickets. Since each Feedback Type has it's own form, workflow, access, etc., creating and editing Feedback Macros is done by editing the chosen Feedback Type and selecting Feedback Resources. This can only be accessed through Advanced View.

  • If you want your Feedback Macro to display on the left-hand menu while viewing feedback, enable Show in Feedback Management & select the Teams you wish to use your Feedback Macro. It will display to the user who Checks Out feedback. 

I've created a Macro, how can I run it manually?

After you've saved a macro and selected "Show in User / Feedback Management" is selected. This allows the Macro to show in: 

  1. From the User or Feedback Advanced View under Action (Screenshot below)
  2. From the User or Feedback results page, under Action (similar to #1, but allows you to make individual selections)
  3. From the individual User Summary or Feedback result view

How can I make sure a macro only runs once per User/Feedback?

Often, you’ll want to automate certain activities or actions that should only affect a User or Feedback ticket once. Hitting particular milestones can and should be automated, but it’s possible that the milestone automation could trigger more than once when it shouldn’t. (Read More about Limiting Macro Triggers)

How can I trigger a macro when submitting a User Profile or Survey?

In the Survey’s Advanced Options, you can include a macro trigger (always or conditionally) as the form is submitted. Further, this macro trigger may take place during the Notice Chain and will then re-evaluate the submitter’s Notices possibly displaying new or incomplete Notices they subsequently qualify for. (Read More about Triggering a macro when submitting a User Profile or Survey)

Can I schedule Macros to run at a later time or date?

After creating Feedback Macros or User Macros, you can set those based on your schedule schedules (Users -> User Automation or Feedback Type -> Feedback Automation). These schedules allow you to set a recurring Filter and Time-frame for a particular Macro to execute automatically. You can set a macro to run hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.

Can I set Macros to trigger based on an event?

That depends on the event. 

User Macros are typically triggered manually or on a schedule. However, you can use Notices to trigger them upon login / site access, or attach a User Macro to completing a Survey (described above). 

Feedback Macros allow for the option to trigger a macro based either On Submission -- triggering only on the initial creation of the feedback -- or On Modify -- only when a user (typically an admin) modifies an already-existing feedback.

How can I automatically segment my users into teams via a Macro?

You can utilize either a Notice Macro or a User Macro associated with the submission of a User Profile or Survey to adjust user teams. Users can be sorted into specific teams based on any data you've captured about them. (Read More about automatically segmenting users)

What are Webhooks relative to User and Feedback Macros?

Webhooks are available to customers with the appropriate licensing - Enterprise, Unlimited, or have otherwise acquired the Enhanced Integrations package. Located within User or Feedback Macros, Webhooks are conceptually similar to an email, but typically communicate messages or data from system to system, instead of to a person. (Read More about Webhooks)