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Why are teams missing in Workflow?

If you're configuring your Feedback Type's Workflow and notice that your desired Team isn't showing up, you'll need to grant Submit Feedback access to your Team, via Feedback Roles.

This article applies to ProTeam, and Legacy editions.

Teams displaying in Workflow indicate that they're able to submit Feedback. What you're then setting up in Workflow are the Statuses your Teams have access to use. Statuses then execute Team Ownership and any Notification emails. 

If you're configuring your Feedback Type's Workflow and notice that your desired Team isn't showing up, you'll need to grant Submit Feedback access to your Team, via Feedback Roles.

Click Here to view a video of the process designed to accompany the steps below:

To adjust your Feedback Roles from the Project Homepage:

  1. Click Management > Project configuration
  2. Click Feedback types
  3. Click the Modify pencil of the desired Feedback Type you wish to edit
  4. Click Feedback roles
  5. Select the Team type from the dropdown and select the Team you need to adjust
  6. Check Submit feedback
  7. Click Submit to save your changes.

Your Team will now display in Workflow.