Macro Reports

Creating full, visually appealing reports

This article applies to Team and Legacy editions.

Within Centercode’s Reporting tool, you’re able to build extensive spreadsheets and exports of any data held within the site. Macro Reports quickly output an entire form’s worth of processed results. They allow you to quickly build a report containing many related elements by instructing the Reporting system to create a full report on the form of your choice from Surveys, Tasks, and Feedback Types. Your report will have one stand-alone element for every element on the chosen form(s).

E.g.: If your Closure Survey has 8 questions, you’ll have 8 individual report elements consisting of bar charts, spreadsheets, etc. as selected during the process.

When creating a Macro Report, you’ll be asked to select the form elements to include in your report, a default visualization for each type of data, and any additional or advanced options (conditional to the data types).


To create a Macro Report:

  1. Click Reports (For Community Report, click Community Tools first)
  2. Click Create a report
  3. Select Datasource - Complete forms
  4. Select your data - Add items to include in the report element. Different styles will be available based on the type and quantity of selected items
  5. Add filter -  Limit the report element to a specific subset of results. Continue with No Filter for all results
  6. Pick a style - Visual presentation of your report element. Available styles are determined by the data items selected
  7. Click Submit to proceed to the next page
  8. Name your Report
  9. Click Submit to save and generate your Report

Second Series

The second series allows you to slice your report elements by a second set of data.
E.g.: Slicing your Product Review rating by segmentation teams - Advanced vs. Novice to visualize any discrepancy in rating related to tester expertise.

Can I go back and adjust the basic parameters of a Macro Report once it is created?

The basic parameters can only be set during the initial creation of the report. If small adjustments need to be made to a few elements in the report, we recommend you address them individually. If you need to make larger (report-wide) adjustments, it’ll be easier to simply rebuild the Macro Report.