How do I remove a user from a Project?

There are a few different ways a Project Manager can remove a User (or group Users) from a project

This article applies to All editions.

Removing an individual user from a Project
The quickest way to remove an individual User from a project is to do so via their User Summary page within the project. From the Project home:

  1. Type the user's Name, Username, or Email address into the Knowledge Base Search bar found in the upper right-hand corner
  2. Click the name to navigate into their User Summary
  3. Ensure you have the proper project/scope selected in the upper right-hand dropdown menu
  4. Click on "Remove from project" on the left-hand action menu
  5. Check the box that reads "I want to remove this User from <Project Name>. (Project Managers will not be removed)"
  6. Click the Remove button
Image from Gyazo

Removing multiple users from a Project
The most efficient method to remove multiple users from a project is to do so via the User Management tool. From the Project home:

  1. Click on Mangement in the navigation bar and navigate into Users>User management
  2. Create a Filter to narrow your list to a subset of Users
  3. Under the Action dropdown, select Show user list (it's the default)
  4. Click Perform action
  5. Check the box next to the individual Users you'd like to remove
  6. At the bottom of the page, in the Action menu, select "Remove Users From Project" and click Submit
  7. Verify the Users you'd like to remove are correct and check the box that reads "I want to remove these users from this project."
  8. Click the Remove button

Important notes:

  • It is important to verify that you are performing these actions within your project before removing a User account. If you remove a User's account from the Community level, they will be removed from your platform entirely and can only be retrieved by the Centercode team.
  • Project Managers cannot be removed from projects as a safeguard. Project Managers must first be removed from the Project Managers team and then they will become eligible to be removed from a project.
  • It is possible to give Users the ability to remove themselves from projects if desired via the Project Roles tool. Note that this is NOT recommended in the case of Hardware tests.

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