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How do I enable Assigned Test Platforms for a Project?


This article applies to: Team, and Legacy editions

If you so choose, you can require users in your Project to use specific Test Platforms that you either assign or they can choose using Assigned Test Platforms. For example, if you wanted users to only use a specific web browser, you could assign a specific browser to them.

From anywhere within the project:

  1. While in a Project click Management>Project configuration>Assigned test platforms in the navigation bar.
  2. Enter a Title and Instructions for your Assigned Test Platforms in the designated text fields.
  3. Select from the Available test platforms the Platform or Platforms you wish to make available in the Project.
  4. Assign Team access via the Team Access block (Assign, Modify, and Notice are available).
  5. Configure an Email notification to be sent when a User selects their Assigned Test Platform, if desired.
  6. Select any desired Other options from the list at the bottom of the page.
  7. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page when satisfied.

You have successfully enabled Assigned Test Platforms for a Project.


  • Project Manager Role.
  • Pre-existing Test Platforms at the Project level of Centercode that have been filled out by your Testers.


  • The sub-option Narrow by specific element below a selected Test Platform Type allows you to limit the Test Platforms allowed to be selected by a User for the Project. You can limit based on a Text element from the source Test Platform (via a Regular Expression - see this link for more information on building Regular Expressions), or you can limit based on a Single choice element from the source Test Platform (by selecting a valid response or valid responses).
  • The Other option Lock users' assigned test platforms to this project, when enabled, will make it so that a Platform selected for this Project cannot be selected as another Project's Assigned Test Platform. Along the same lines, a Platform already selected for another Project's Assigned Test Platform cannot be selected for this Project.