Project Profiles

Project Profiles captures test details from your Project Managers

This article applies to Pro, Team, and Legacy editions.

Project Profiles are essentially forms that the Project Manager fills out upon project creation. As a Community Manager, you'll use Project Profiles to configure what you want each project to capture from your Project Managers. These can be used later in Reporting, Emails, and Dynamic Tags. 

Create a Project Profile

From the Community Homepage:

  1. Navigate to the Community Logo > Community Configuration > Project Profiles
  2. Click the Create a New Project Profile link at the bottom of the table.
  3. Complete the Basic Options, Team Access, and Advanced Options as desired.
  4. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
  5. Click the Create a Form Element link at the top of the form.
  6. Select the desired Element Type and then fill in the settings for that Element.
  7. Click the Create Element button at the bottom of the form.
  8. Repeat steps 5 - 7 above until you have added all desired Elements.
  9. Click the Return button when satisfied to complete the process of adding Elements and return to the form.
  10. Click the Activate Project Profile button at the bottom of the page.

You have successfully created a Project Profile.

Modify a Project Profile:

From the Community Homepage:

  1. Navigate to the Community Logo > Community Configuration > Project Profiles
  2. Hover over the table cell of the desired Project Profile and click the   icon.
  3. Make changes to the Basic Options, Team Access, and Advanced Options as desired.
  4. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
  5. Hover over the table cell of the desired Project Profile and click the pencil  icon.
  6. Click the Modify link beneath the Element you would like to change.
  7. Make desired changes, then click Update Element.
  8. Repeat steps 5 - 7 for each Element you would like to change.

You have successfully modified a Project Profile.

Remove a Project Profile:

From the Community Homepage:

  1. Navigate to the Community Logo > Community Configuration > Project Profiles
  2. Hover over the table cell of the desired Project Profile and click the X icon to the right.
  3. Click the Archive link to confirm the removal of the Project Profile and all associated data.

You have successfully Archived a Project Profile.


  • Professional or Teams Edition of the Centercode Platform
  • Manage Community Role
  • Project Users will need the Access Project Profiles and Manage Project Profiles roles to work with this form in a given Project.


  • Once created and active, Project Managers that have access to modify the Project Profile will be able to add details to their Project Profile automatically using the form that you built above.
  • Project Users with the Access Project Profiles and Manage Project Profiles role within a given Project will be able to view and modify the Profile for that Project. This form type is unique in that it is built within the Community, but viewed and modified within Projects.