How do I add dynamic data to clickable links?

Merge hyperlinks with Dynamic Tags or Distributed Values for use in emails, homepages, and Content

This article applies to All editions. 

Creating custom hyperlinks within Content is pretty easy, but sometimes you need to get a little more complicated than that. Using the Centercode Visual Editor (our WYSIWYG available in nearly all text areas), you can use Dynamic Tags to present clickable custom text, or even inject User or Feedback data into your links.

To create clickable, dynamic link text

From the text body of your Content, Email, Release, etc.:

  1. Click the Insert Dynamic Tags tool on the Visual Editor's toolbar (Tag symbol)
  2. Select the desired Data set and Data point
  3. Click Insert
  4. Click the newly inserted Dynamic Tag
  5. Click the Link button on the Visual Editor's toolbar (or Ctrl+K)
  6. Enter the hyperlink into the URL text box and click Insert

You have successfully hyperlinked a Dynamic Tag or Distributed Value.

To Insert Dynamic Data into a URL

In order to inject the Dynamic Tag into the URL link, you'll need to update the HTML Source of your Content, Email, Homepage, or other resource. You'll also need the Value of your Dynamic Tag, typically only seen within the HTML Source.
From the text body of your Content, Email, Homepage, etc.:

  1. Insert the Dynamic tag you'll be using into the text of your resource
    Note: At the top (anywhere) is fine - you'll remove it in subsequent steps
  2. Click the Source button at the top of the toolbar (< > symbol)
  3. Find and Cut (Ctrl+X) the Value for the Dynamic Tag (ex. [[Username|_4]] )
    Note: Use Ctrl+F to search for the name of the tag; Cut to remove the tag you injected in step 1
  4. Find the HTML Link to be updated
    Note: An HTML link will look something like: <a href=" ">
  5. Paste the Dynamic Tag Value into the URL of your link.
    (Ex: <a href=" [[Username|_4]]">)

You have successfully injected Dynamic Text into your hyperlink URL.


  • Important - The URL hyperlinking may fail if the name of your Distributed Value contains special characters such as & and the pipe symbol | due to the nature of HTML
  • These processes are extremely useful for providing links to dynamic endpoints like Shipment Tracking, custom web pages, etc.
  • It's generally a good idea to check these links by granting access to your account's Teams and accessing it through the left-hand menu like a Participant would. This ensures you're viewing it from a non-admin interface.
  • The Value will vary significantly from Dynamic Tag to Dynamic Tag, and most will consist of a GUID, pipe, underscore, and an integer (ex. [[CustomName|CDCB5954D7204576A3903F9B40BCE23B_42]]. Be sure to copy it exactly, brackets and all.