How do I bulk export files attached to Forms?

Download files attached to Surveys, Profiles, Platforms, and Feedback

This article applies to Pro, Team, and Legacy editions.

Asking testers to submit files with surveys, profiles, and feedback is a very common (and often best) practice for our customers. Whether you’re collecting screenshots or logs associated with Bug Reports, video records of unboxing, or pictures of thermostat wiring, file attachments can be a crucial piece of your unique Customer Validation puzzle. Since access to those files is so important, we’re making sure you have the tools necessary to access them on demand.

File Attachments 

For testers, uploading files to the Centercode Platform is available in two specific areas: 

  1. File Attachment Elements on any of Centercode’s available form types (User Profiles, Test Platforms, Surveys, and Feedback Types) 
  2. Feedback Replies, commonly referred to as feedback comments or discussions 

These upload points are commonly used to gather context for tester selection, feedback triage, or survey analysis.

Using the form attachment export tool

Accessing the Export Files feature is an extremely simple matter. Appropriate form types (User Profiles, Test Platforms, Surveys, and Feedback Types) include a hover-over Export Files (paperclip) icon used to export any files attached to the desired form.

Once selected, the Centercode platform displays a lightbox progress dialogue. At this stage, you can “come back later” to retrieve the ZIP results or wait without interrupting your export action. 

From here, two outcomes are possible:

(a) the system identifies that files are present and zips your form’s attached files

 (b) the system receives a response that there are no files attached to the form

File export results

When files are located, compressed, and ready, the resultant zip is organized based on the form type:

  • User-based forms (e.g. Surveys, Profiles, Platforms) are organized by Project Name - Form Name / Username
  • Feedback-based forms (e.g. Bug Reports, Suggestions, etc.) are organized by Project Name -  Feedback Form Name / Ticket ID

A File Export for a user-based survey showing Usernames

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