Creating and using global question banks

Create a repository of form elements that can be used across your entire implementation

This article applies to Pro, Team, and Legacy editions.

The Global Question Bank tool offers you the ability to store Survey questions into a pre-constructed list of Presets that will then be available when creating Surveys anywhere in your implementation. These Presets allow you to quickly construct entire Surveys using form elements that you have previously standardized and created. 

Building out your question banks

The Global Question Bank tool is located at the Community level in Community Survey management. To begin, navigate into this tool via the following steps from the Community homepage:

  1. Click on your Community Logo in the left of the upper navigation bar.
  2. Click on Community Management > Surveys in the drop-down menu.

Once you've navigated into the Survey Management page shown above, you can begin to build out your Question Bank(s). To create a Question Bank:

  1. Click on Create a question bank in on the right-hand side
  2. Give your Question Bank a name
  3. Begin adding your desired Form elements
  4. Click Publish at the bottom of the form

Once loaded with elements and published, you're done creating your question bank.

Using the global question bank to create a survey

If you've built out a Question Bank, you can utilize it whenever creating (or updating) a Survey anywhere in your Centercode implementation. To begin, either create a new Survey or modify the form of an existing one. When modifying the Survey form:

  1. Click the Create a form element button
  2. Select an Element type from the drop-down menu
  3. Choose a Preset from the menu (under the Question Bank Surveys section)
    Note: Only presets matching the selected Element Type will be shown in the drop-down.

Once selected, your Question Bank element will automatically populate into your current form like so:

Image from Gyazo

Question bank tips

You’re able to create multiple banks, each with its own set of standard questions. Some high-value examples are listed below - take a moment to think of your own best practices and question visual styles:

  • Rating Scales with standard response sets and presentation (ex: 5-point scales)
  • A “proper" NPS question so everyone uses the standard 0 - 10 scale
  • Open-ended text questions of standard width, height, and maximum character limit
  • Labels or section headings with default messaging, contents, and styling
  • Single and Multi Choice questions with default or standardized responses (ex: Centercode’s Weekly Acceptance Survey)
  • Any questions, labels, or other survey components that are key to your own program best practices

Important notes

  • When creating a new element in your question bank, all settings and advanced options selected/configured within the original question bank element, such as Column Label and Maximum Characters, will be saved.