What is the Centercode GoEarly Program?

Learn about Centercode's pre-release feedback program in this helpful FAQ!

What is Centercode’s GoEarly Program?

Centercode offers access to our GoEarly Program - early-access to unreleased software and upcoming features - in exchange for customer feedback on upcoming features. Given the nature of this engagement, Centercode customers should expect high-quality support and involvement from the Centercode team but accept that their GoEarly environment (either their Staging Service environment or their Production environment - at the discretion of the customer upon opting-in to the GoEarly Program) will utilize pre-production code.

Why should we join the GoEarly Program?

Centercode’s GoEarly Program offers a significant opportunity to influence upcoming feature development in the short-term. Members of the GoEarly Program will receive early access to features, collaborate with other GoEarly participants, provide feedback on function and implementation, and influence product design before any other customers. 

What happens if we join?

Joining Centercode’s GoEarly Program means joining an ongoing program with designated phases of pre-release access and active testing. Your site will be on early code during those active testing phases and standard production code during all other times.

Getting Started: Your Centercode site will be included on the GoEarly release track. This may may require migration to GoEarly infrastructure (with a new IP address). As early releases are available, your site is updated to the unreleased Centercode build. 

Active Testing: Centercode will include one or more of your site administrator(s) in a structured GoEarly test to evaluate your experiences and collect your feedback. You’re encouraged to provide detailed ad hoc feedback along the way. GoEarly feedback is specially prioritized through internal Centercode stakeholder reviews.

Testing Complete: Once active GoEarly testing has concluded, your Centercode site is updated to the release version, re-aligning your site’s code version with regular customer sites and standard platform updates.

We don't have a Stage, can't update Production at this time, and really want to check out the new release. Can we still participate?

Starting in 2021, a limited number of customers may be invited to evaluate the GoEarly release using shared sandbox sites provided by Centercode. These sites have dummy data allowing you to explore upcoming releases, review interfaces, and test new features. Note that these environments are shared, so other Centercode customers may be using the same site as you are. Shared sandbox sites will be wiped and/or reset at the closure of a GoEarly test.

What’s required to join?

Joining the GoEarly Program includes updating your Centercode environment you have selected for the GoEarly Program to pre-production code. As such, Centercode requires agreement to GoEarly's  Delta Service Level Agreement (SLA) relative to your GoEarly Centercode Platform environment. 

In addition, granting access to early code in exchange for your timely feedback during our GoEarly test provides immense value to both organizations, given mutual engagement on feature-focused activities and feedback. As such, Centercode requires agreement to our GoEarly Engagement Agreement

Both agreements are linked below:

Delta Service Level Agreement (SLA)

GoEarly Engagement Agreement