Centercode's Delta Test Framework - static templates


This article applies to Pro, Team, and Legacy editions.

The Centercode Delta Test Template distills decades of collective testing experience and proven methodologies into a framework. Centercode provides you with a static Centercode Delta Test Template to provide you with both platform best practices and guided processes to help you run successful Delta Tests.

This template type is permanently available in your Project Template list when creating a new Project - alongside your Global Templates and Program Templates. Use it to generate a new project based on Centercode’s recommended testing framework.  

As we iterate on our best practices, platform functionality, and training materials, the Centercode Templates will be updated along with the platform - code patches may bring Template updates to ensure you’re starting from the most advantageous point.

Select a Centercode Template, customize your new Project and you’re good to go!

Once you’ve used the Centercode Template to spin up your new Project, tailor it to your company’s specifications and you’ll be ready to execute your test. Just replace placeholder text and tags with real information in the appropriate tools and ensure you’ve personalized your site to your company’s processes. 


  • If you need to move away from Centercode’s standardized processes, we still suggest that you use the Centercode Templates as a basis for your customization. Clone the Centercode Template, then customize and set it as a Global or Program Template for future Projects.
  • While Centercode Templates are certainly our recommended go-to for new Projects and facilitate our every best practice, you’re free to use your own templates, too.